Monday, January 18, 2016

Goodness how long has it been??

Wow it has been forever since I've made a new post here. Ah, well, that happens to these things, I suppose.

Quick update on life; ran out of money had to switch to in-state tuition school Portland State University, will forever identify as a MoHo anyways, switched majors to Economics as well because PSU's transfer policies for Biology are terrible and I want to work in finance now anyways. Can cry about that later, but I just needed something that'd get me a faster starting career path that had somewhere to go than biological research. Of course there's no way to get me completely out of research after all this time, but more on that one day in the future. Also have a new dog, his name is Meriadoc and he's an adorable large poodle mix with the poodle coat. His 2nd birthday is in 3 days. :) Two best friends are getting married this summer (not together, lol, separately), and I really love Aziz Ansari's Master of None.

Now anyways! Back to the thing we love here the most, tea! For about a year (until recently) I subscribed to the White2Tea monthly tea club. It was great! Except so much sheng. Hahaha. I am not a fan of young sheng. It's just not as good as the older stuff or decent shus to me. I know so many of my tea friends love sheng of all ages, but I have yet to truly be able to appreciate that whiskey, tobacco, and cedar level astringency that most of the young ones have. Beyond that though, it was very educational and delicious! There were a few old sheng samples that were amazing, a bunch of delicious shus, some great blacks and oolongs as well. In particular the Clover Patch oolong blew me away. Insanely fragrant and delicious.

In other delicious tea findings over the last more-than-a-year, Phoenix Tea's Rundu Black needs its own book of poetry it is so beautiful.

Currently almost out of everything that isn't insanely cheap and bad oolong or quality, but young shengs that I'm putting my hopes on for 2020. Awaiting White2Tea's Basic Ripe Puerh set and their 2015 Brown Sugar Ripe Puerh. Every day without them is a very long day indeed... And now that we're caught up here hopefully I'll think of something with more substance to write next time. ;)