Monday, March 12, 2012

Shhh! L-theanine post coming soon still.

Why does college keep me so busy? If it's not homework it's events events events! I really do love it, but it's a little overwhelming and definitely exhausting since I keep getting so involved in so many areas. Today for example, in addition to having a quiz in Biology, I also have to write a paper due as soon as I can finish it, I am going to lunch with a researcher from Duke University who's studying the evolution of speech looking at humans and birds, I'm going to his lecture later on in the day, I'm attending a calculus study session, and then I have a student government meeting with the school president in the evening, not to mention I have calculus and biology and history homework to do (not all due Tuesday though, but it's a lot of work so I have to get started early)!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I've started doing henna again! I'm trying to save up money to go to Japan next winter. Money is so hard to save as a college student, but I really want to go, and I've been wanting to do henna again lately, so here's one way of making money then! Did you notice the mehndi inspired designs in the background? I really hope you did because I worked very hard to develop a tiger and a camellia flower in mehndi style! It's not easy making up your own designs, especially when they're abstract instead of realistic. I have a lot of respect for Picasso now days to be honest, more so than even my favorite painter (who's name I've forgotten anyways haha). It could be just me, but I think that doing something abstractly is much harder than doing something realistically since you can't really work within the guidelines presented for you by nature.

Also, I need to mention that yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of Japan's triple disaster. Japan is still obviously facing very difficult times, and it's only going to get harder since people are avoiding traveling there with the nuclear contamination scare. I can't ask you to risk your health's without doing your own research first, but please at least still look to the south of Japan as a safe and amazing place to go. Kagoshima prefecture in Kyushu is where I stayed when I lived there, and you have no idea how beautiful it is until you see it with your own eyes. There is an amazing aquarium there, as well as the cool volcano, Sakurajima, and the scenes from the movie Princess Mononoke were based off of the mountains and forests there. The black pig ramen is delicious, and you haven't really lived until you've tried a shirokuma. So please support Japan in it's recovery and don't go out of your way to avoid it!

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